1. Using On-Site Bioassays to Determine Selenium Risk to Propagated Endangered Fishes
2. Andersen, M. E., Keleher, C. J., Rasmussen, J. E., Hansen, E. S., Thompson, P. D., Speas, D. W., Routledge, M. D. and Hedrick, T. N. Status of June sucker in Utah Lake and refuges. Status, distribution, and conservation of native freshwater fishes of western North America: A symposium proceedings. Edited by: Brouder, M. J. and Scheurer, J. A. pp.39–58. Bethesda, Maryland: American Fisheries Society. Symposium 53
3. Hatchery-induced morphological variation in an endangered fish: a challenge for hatchery-based recovery efforts
4. Complex effects of predators: determining vulnerability of the endangered June sucker to an introduced predator