Mihai Carmen1, Vladu Alina1, Ene Alexandra1
1. The National Research and Development Institute for Textiles and Leather
The soil represents the "fragile skin" that anchors all life on Earth and from whichbiodiversity springs. The dynamic and complex ecosystem produced by the soil, wherethere are countless species of living things supports the most precious resources for lifeon Earth. It has been scientifically proven that the most used technique for protectingthe soil against environmental factors (drought, erosion) is that of mulching, whichenable the affected areas to be covered with a layer of mulch that will accelerate thenative recovery of vegetation and implicitly agricultural production, by maintaininghumidity and protection from solar radiation. The research of INCDTP specialists aimsto create a functional model of a collapsible aerial module for transporting waste formulching in areas with difficult access or on very large areas (forests, agriculturalplantations on areas of at least 500 ha). The paper presents the behavioral analysis of thefunctional model made of composite material with a textile matrix and 5 panelsassembled by sewing, from the same material, the difference between them consisting inthe panels joining methods. The experiments were carried out in the accreditedlaboratories, the data obtained allowing the prediction of the technological parametersof joining the panels and the behavior of the entire system in real conditions of use.
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