1. Department of National Defense, Quality Engineering Testing Establishment (QETE), Polymer and Textile Science, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K2, Canada
Double quantum (DQ) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to characterize the crosslink density, crosslink density distribution, and defect level in a series of heat and oil resistant elastomers. A wide range of defect levels, crosslink densities, and crosslink density distributions was measured, and results depended on elastomer type and compound formulations, including the vulcanization system. The sol fraction defect level generally correlated with the concentration of added plasticizer in the formulation. The presence of polar side chains appeared to cause additional dynamic contributions to the dangling chain end fraction. The large differences in elastomer composition and rubber formulations prevented meaningful correlation of the measured crosslink densities with the low strain modulus. Fast Tikhonov regularization and log normalization fitting of the corrected DQ build-up curve was extremely useful to provide insight into the modality and widths of the crosslink density distributions. A high degree of heterogeneity of the crosslink network of heat and oil resistant elastomers was found. Crosslink density distributions were explained in terms of the polymer chain structure comprised of monomer sequencing coupled with the position of the crosslinking sites. The type of vulcanization system had a lesser effect of the nature of the crosslink density distribution. The primary polymer chain crosslinking sites may become segregated from the continuous phase due to polarity differences seen in the microstructure of oil and heat resistance elastomers. The development of such micromorphologies can favor curative partitioning. The sole use of DQ NMR can provide valuable insight into the nature of the polymer chain structure and crosslink network in rubber.