1. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Giresun
The aim of this study is to address the organizational identification of vocational and culture course teachers working in vocational high schools and to determine the degree to which they fit with organizational identification models. The research was designed in phenomenology design. The research group consisted of 6 culture course and 6 vocational course teachers working in a public vocational high school in Giresun Province. The participants were selected from the school where the researcher worked on the basis of volunteerism by using the convenience sampling method. In this study, two separate focus group interviews were conducted to determine teachers' views on organizational identification, and the collected data were analyzed in the MAXQDA data analysis program, and the results were interpreted. As a result, it was determined that all teachers were identified with their schools in general, but vocational course teachers were more likely to identify with the institution for which they worked than were culture course teachers. While it was common among the cultural course teachers that they could object to assigned tasks, if necessary, all the vocational course teachers indicated that they could participate in assigned tasks voluntarily and showed that they identified more with their organizations.
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