An Entity Registry: A Model for a Repository of Entities Found in a Document Set


Bellandi Valerio,Siccardi Stefano


This paper proposes a conceptual structure for a repository of entities that can be found by usual procedures of Natural Language Processing, that is the search for entities mentioned in text, their identification, possibly through the link to entries in Background Knowledge Basis (BKG) and theconstruction of a Knowledge Basis or Graph to host the information found in this process. We address applications where a BKG is of little help, because the involved entities are not so relevant to be included in any, being for instance ordinary people or small companies. Therefore, we rely on the entities’ attributes and relationships for unique identification, disambiguation, knowledge checking and any other relevant operation. One of the final goals achieved by the proposed method is the ability to merge knowledge collected in separate bases, once they are referred to the same Entity Registry.


Academy and Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)

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