Rawan Alshawy,Omer Alrwais
The International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains ( IJMVSC ) is a quarterly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles that contribute new results in all areas of value and supply chain management. The journal provides a platform to disseminate new ideas and new research, advance theories, and propagate best practices in the management of value and supply chain management, looking across both product and service-based businesses. This will include works based in service management, logistics and distribution, operations management, process management, flow control, and customer service. The journal offers a forum in which academics, consultants, and practitioners in a variety of fields can exchange ideas to further research and improve practices in all areas of business. The International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains ( IJMVSC ) seek to establish new collaborations, new best practices, and new theories in the management of both product and service-based organizations around the world.
Academy and Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
Reference139 articles.
1. [1] I. Becerra-Fernandez and R. Sabherwal, in Knowledge management: systems and processes, Armonk,
2. N.Y:M.E. Sharpe, 2010, pp. 34-48.
3. [2] I. Nonaka and G. von Krogh, "Perspective-Tacit Knowledge and Knowledge Conversion:
4. Controversy and Advancement in Organizational Knowledge Creation Theory," Organ. Sci., vol. 20,
5. no. 3, pp. 635-652, Jun. 2009, doi: 10.1287/orsc.1080.0412.