Assessment of the environment-forming potential of the territory of populated areas in the implementation of state monitoring of lands


Sizov A.P.1ORCID


1. Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)


The basic concept of the analysis and planning environmental management for the development of territories is its natural resource potential (NRP), understood as the territory’s set of natural resources, which can be used in the economy, taking into account the achievements of scientific and technological progress to increase social welfare. In the developing the concept of NRP the concept of forming the territories ‘environment potential (EFP) is identified. It is a set of all natural resources, the factors and conditions of the site, with environmental and environmental characteristics (including climate, geological, hydrological, land, soil, etc.). EFP is determined by a logical combination of the land in their composition. The total square of EFP lands of rural settlements in Russia is 1, 5 times more than the urban one. The ranking of the Federal value cities in concern to descending the size of total EFP is as follows


FSBI Center of Geodesy, Cartography, and SDI


Computers in Earth Sciences,Earth-Surface Processes,Geophysics

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