Historical and cultural assessment of urbanized territories as the part of cadastral, land management and other economic activities


Kovyazin V.F.1ORCID,Skachkova M.E.1ORCID,D'yachkova I.S.1ORCID


1. Saint-Petersburg Mining University


It is necessary to have up-to-date information on the historical and cultural value of territories and use it in the process of cadastral, land management and estimation activities for effective and rational dealing with real estate, sustainable city development, and preserving cultural heritage. The authors have developed conceptual assessment methodology basics of historical-and-cultural value of urbanized areas and a scale of historical and cultural value. They have also proposed a list of evaluative factors. Using the hierarchy analysis method, these factors were categorized. A method for calculating the coeffi cient of the historical and cultural value of territories using the fuzzy sets theory is introduced. This technique was tested in the territory of the historical center of Orenburg, Orenburg oblast (978 objects were analyzed). Conclusions on the value of the territory are made. Using GIS MapInfo Pro 2019, a map of the historical and cultural value of the historical center of Orenburg was compiled basing on the assessment results. The use of the assessment results in cadastral, land management and valuation activities is proposed.


FSBI Center of Geodesy, Cartography, and SDI


Computers in Earth Sciences,Earth-Surface Processes,Geophysics

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