Building a network of points routing for pedestrian panoramic urban areas survey


Penshin I.N.1ORCID


1. State University Of Land Use Planning


The author describes technical and algorithmic solution of the task of building a spatial routing network for pedestrian panoramic survey points at monitoring urban infrastructure objects. Its urgency is caused by the necessity of making a panoramic measuring the yard, intra-block territories, as well as park areas and other objects which have no reliable data on the road network there. The matter of spatial routing network providing between panoramic images without reference to the road graph is considered and formulated. Based on the presented conditional variant of solving the task, as well as considering the problem in the view of graph theory, geometric conditions are compiled, the necessary sets of Geodata are determined, and the method of spatial routing network building is developed. Algorithm complexity analysis is performed. An intelligent GIS agent was developed providing filling of the DBMS table with spatial features, which are the object implementation of the spatial routing network in the GIS. Geoportal that helps the final user analyze and adjust the mentioned network with the introduction of changes to the DBMS on the server side in an interactive mode is presented.


FSBI Center of Geodesy, Cartography, and SDI


Computers in Earth Sciences,Earth-Surface Processes,Geophysics

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