1. North-Caucasian Federal University
The atlas information system "Population of the Stavropol Krai" was prepared by the research team of the North Caucasus Federal University Earth Sciences Institute as part of implementing fundamental scientific exploring of the Russian Science Foundation. The System was created to provide analytical support for making management decisions in the field of strategic and spatial planning of the territory and updating the programs of higher education. The main stages and features of the AIS preparation, including the choice of software, determining the scale of mapping, creating a database, determining the set of maps and GIS models to be prepared, its structure is also presented in the form of a conceptual diagram and described in detail in this article. The framework structurally consists of 5 thematic sections
FSBI Center of Geodesy, Cartography, and SDI
Computers in Earth Sciences,Earth-Surface Processes,Geophysics
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2 articles.