Updating spatial data by the method of state topographic monitoring for implementing the Russian Federation state program “National Spatial Data System”: tasks and solutions


Brovko E.A.1ORCID,Sofinov R.E.2ORCID


1. Roscartography, JSC



The scientific, methodological and technological aspects proposed for updating spatial data – national information resources, based on the results of research in the field of arranging and maintaining state nationwide topographic monitoring, in the process of geodetic and cartographic work, including the collection, systematization, processing and use of various types of spatial data are considered. Terminological concepts and their definitions are formulated and offered for clarification and improvement during the discussion in the scientific community. An analysis of the current legal acts, regulatory and technical documents in the field of geodesy, cartography and real estate cadastre, as well as existing newly developed methods, technologies, techniques and algorithms in terms of technical regulating the processes of arranging and maintaining state topographic monitoring, taking into account its integration into the national spatial data system is made. Operational cartographic support updated in the process of state topographic monitoring with accurate, reliable and high-quality spatial data of socio-economic, environmental activities, defense and national security of the country is one of the priorities of the Russian Federation state program “National System of Spatial Data”. The authors propose the main directions of its implementation.


FSBI Center of Geodesy, Cartography, and SDI


Computers in Earth Sciences,Earth-Surface Processes,Geophysics

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