1. National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University
The authors describe the research in development of problem-oriented geoportal systems based on the concept of the Internet of things which enable solving the tasks of managing natural-social-production systems. The main purpose of the implemented automation solutions is to provide the decision maker with a tool for monitoring and remote control of IoT agents operating within the territorial framework. The solution to the problem of visualization and dissemination of spatial data on regional metageosystems can be achieved through the introduction and effective use of geoportal ones developed on the basis of web technologies and providing access to the spatial data infrastructure of organizations and regions through interactive digital maps. We propose the developed structure of a metageosystem management scheme based on the technology of the Internet of things and geoportal systems, based on the use of the LoRaWAN long-range wireless communication standard. The basis of such a network is represented by IoT devices consolidated around the head ones (gateways) and developed on the basis of a modular principle to achieve high rates of modifiability and extensibility. Gathering telemetric indicators and transferring control commands within the LoRaWAN network are carried out without involvement of third-party communication providers, which greatly reduces the expense of operating economic management systems, bringing the cost of data exchange to the lowest possible rate. It is proved that in the case of the use of geoinformation web systems in conjunction with the technology of the Internet of things, geoportals would play the role of dispatching centers along with their classic function of interactive visualization of spatial data
FSBI Center of Geodesy, Cartography, and SDI
Computers in Earth Sciences,Earth-Surface Processes,Geophysics
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