Surveying industry: prospective development directions in the post-industrial era and the digital economy


Karpik A.P.1ORCID,Lisitsky D.V.1ORCID


1. Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies


New conditions, technological capabilities and development prospects of the geodetic industry in recent time are characterized. The directions and strategy of the developing the industry, aimed at increasing its national importance by expanding the field of activity from the level of geoinformation to the level of its widespread use are substantiated. The solutions and tasks for the transfer of geo-information activities to a digital basis are listed. The definition of the geospatial activity’s concept is given. The conceptual structure and essentially new directions of geospatial support development of territories taking into account the perspective are offered. They are creating a single territorial geo-information space, designing and developing geo-cognitive technologies for forming geospatial knowledge, developing geo-cognitive technologies for preparing geo-spatial solutions to ensure territorial development and management. The technological levels of formalization and use of geospatial knowledge at preparing spatial solutions are considered. The forecast of expected efficiency received from geospatial activity in the digital economy is given. The scientific and technical directions for the successful geospatial supporting the spatial development of the country and solving tasks of transition to the digital economy are listed.


FSBI Center of Geodesy, Cartography, and SDI


Computers in Earth Sciences,Earth-Surface Processes,Geophysics

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