1. Central Research Institute for Machine Building
2. RAS Geophysical Center
The Central Research Institute for Machine Building JSC has created a software package for processing primary satellite altimetry data of the “GEO-IK-2” space geodetic system, adapted for high-performance computing systems. The software package performs step-by-step multi-level processing of measuring and auxiliary information with sequential recording of intermediate and final results in a database. The technology of processing level 0 data received from the spacecraft up to and including level 2 has been implemented. The article provides information about the input data used at different levels of processing, about the algorithms and functionality of the software package. In the process of debugging the software package on high-performance computing systems all the valid data of the “GEO-IK-2” space geodetic system from 2018 to 2022 were processed for the first time. The developed software package should serve as a prototype of the satellite altimetry data processing subsystem of the ground-based special complex of the promising new generation space geodetic system
FSBI Center of Geodesy, Cartography, and SDI
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