Investigate the effect of co-doping on the grain size and diffuse phase transition of barium titanate ceramics


,Alkathy M. S.,Goud J. P., ,Ibrahim K. E., ,Kassim H. A.,


An investigation examined the impact of co-doping BaTiO3 ceramics with La3+ and Nd3+ on their microstructural, dielectric, and phase transition properties. The synthesis of BaTiO3 with co-doping of La3+ and Nd3+, using the general formula Ba1-x(La1/3, Nd1/3)xTiO3 (BLNdTx) with varying concentrations of x (0%, 2%, 4%, and 8%), is achieved by the solid-state reaction technique. A temperature-dependent dielectric permittivity investigation was conducted at four distinct frequencies (1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz, 500 kHz, and 1 MHz) within the 30–200 °C temperature range. The findings indicate that the samples show a diffuse phase transition and a noticeable divergence from the typical Curie-Weiss equation. The diffuseness parameters γ for phase transition rose from 1.15 to 1.75 as x grew from 0 to 8%, respectively. The concurrent impact of surface phenomena, mechanical stress phenomena, and the external effect of grain boundaries might explain the substantial size reduction. An in-depth understanding of the grain size effect and its underlying mechanism would be advantageous for advancing and practically using BaTiO3-based ceramics and other ferroelectrics.


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