1. Department of Religion and Human Values, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
2. Department of Classics and Philosophy, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
Every culture espouses distinct moral values systems which serve as the blueprints guiding behaviours of members of a society. Ghana as a country has a rich moral value system that shapes its citizens’ worldviews and informs the way they relate with other human beings. A reflection on, past moral values of Ghanaian societies, however, reveals a moral deficit. This situation throws up the following crucial questions. What is the future of Ghanaian societies given the current state of moral decadence? What can be done to salvage the present state of moral decadence? The paper is approached qualitatively, using interviews, and proposes a significant return to moral virtues where societies will have to teach and ensure that the young ones practice moral values through examples of virtuous living.
Keywords: Ghana, Sustainable Future, Moral Decadence, Moral Values, Virtue Ethics.
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