A Conundrum of Makoti in the Light of Proverbs 31:10-31: Decolonising Mislaid ‘African Patriarchy’


Phalatsi-Shilubana Mmamajoro1ORCID


1. Research Institute for Theology and Religion, University of South Africa.


The ideal wife, according to Proverb 31, is far more indispensable in any given society and plays a far less walk-over role in her marriage. Conversely, the highly recognised African term makoti, which originates from abroad (Dutch culture), reduces a newlywed to slave status, at least when understood from its linguistic context. This is because, according to the literature that is currently available, the term makoti originates from either the “Dutch/Afrikaans” phrase Maak ons tee, which roughly translates to “make us tea.” Consequently, when considered in light of Proverb 31 woman, the term makoti, as used in most African cultures, becomes problematic. This paper aimed to refute colonialist notions of African makoti by first describing the African daughter-in-law or recently married woman in the context of Proverb 31. Methodologically, through the employment of the decolonial theory and literature review, it confirmed that the esteemed African term makoti originates in Dutch culture rather than the African patriarchal corpus. The primary finding of this study was that, contrary to the stereotype of makoti that has been fortified by colonial context, the real African daughter-in-law is more akin to a Proverb 31 woman. The study concluded that correcting falsehoods like these contributes to the restoration of African culture’s dignity and the veracity of African history, while also challenging the continued colonial narratives that marginalize African women. This study enhances and contributes towards the decolonial agenda by dispelling stereotypes that misplace makoti as an invention of African culture. Keywords: Colonisation, Decoloniality, Religion, Culture, Patriarchy, African Makoti


Noyam Publishers








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