1. Universidad Carlos III
2. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
The debate about the possible introduction of a guaranteed basic income and the opportunity for it raises very different problems that go beyond the strictly financial ones, which, while being important, given the scarcity of public resources, are not the only ones to be addressed and, in no case, should they be exclusive. Among these, one of the aspects that perhaps has created more controversy is related to the need to implement a basic income taking into account the social protection scheme offered from different public sectors to Spanish citizens in case of real economic need (Social Security benefits and regional guaranteed minimum income policies). In this context, one of the main ideas of the basic income is that it is not intended to respond to situations of effective need, but rather to help citizens to obtain the necessary means to live in dignity. It would escape, therefore, from a socio-political approach based on the mere reparation or protection of personal situations of social and economic need.
Fundacion Accion Contra El Hambre
Reference41 articles.
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