The Evaluation of 9th Grade Mathematics Curriculum According to Cipp Evaluation Model by Teachers and Students






This research aims to evaluate the 9th-grade mathematics curriculum, its efficiency, and its implementation techniques used at secondary school by using the CIPP model according to the teachers and class observations from the 2017-2018 education season. In this study, the scanning model of the quantitative research method was used. The participants of this research comprise 149 high school mathematics teachers which work in public high schools and 324 students at Siirt. “High School Mathematics Curriculum Evaluation Questionnaire and Teacher and Student Form” developed by Fer and Aközbek (2008) were used as a data collection tool. The data obtained from the study were analyzed with the SPSS software. According to the data obtained from teachers for the context parameter of the program; goals and achievements in the program are concluded that it is suitable for students’ developmental characteristics. In addition, it has been concluded that the course content is reduced and the theoretical content they contain is sufficient, but the time allocated to the acquisitions is insufficient. For the input parameter; resources and materials facilitate learning, the gains in the textbook are not understandable, the book is boring and the program is teacher-oriented results have been reached. Regarding the process parameter; the program includes individual events and it was concluded that these activities are not boring. In the product parameter, to obtain results only according to mathematical skill development the program does not meet the individual needs of students however, it has been obtained that it contributes to the development of mathematical skills.


Erzurum Kultur ve Egitim Vakfi

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1. The Awareness of Prospective Mathematics Teachers on the Mathematics Curriculum;International Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics;2023-09-30







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