Analysis of Radar Interferometry Results on the Deposit Territory


Orynbassarova E.,Akhmetov R.,Yerzhankyzy A.,Makhmetova G.,Kamza A.


For effective and safe development of mining deposits, it is necessary to study the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the development of deformation processes, which provides an opportunity to regulate their impact on the rock mass, earth surface and engineering structures. The size of the deposit, geology and production volumes, affects the area of deformation, which can spread over huge areas. Accordingly, regional deformation monitoring is required for such fields. In order to provide high detail coverage of the area, traditional ground-based methods are impractical and costly. More timely and cost-effective for monitoring deformation of large territories is the use of differential radar interferometry. The results of high-precision geodetic measurements for the period 2019-2021 revealed that more observation points have significant negative values. This indicates a stable process of subsidence of the earth, predominantly. Analysis and interpretation of the obtained results of geodynamic monitoring (high-precision leveling, radar interferometry), allowed to determine that the condition for the formation of vertical and horizontal deformations of the earth's surface is a natural-technogenic factor.


Set Publishers

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