Adaptation of Early Math Questionnaire to Turkish: A study of validity and reliability






Since it is known that the early childhood period is extremely effective and important in the development of mathematical concepts and skills, children's mathematical skills should be supported by systematic mathematics programs at school and home. Therefore, teachers and parents need to work collaboratively. Parents' participation in mathematical activities contributes to the mathematical development of children. In addition to parents' participation in mathematical activities, parents' mathematical beliefs also affect children's mathematical development. This study aims to adapt the Early Math Questionnaire, which was developed by Missall et al. (2015), into Turkish and test the validity and reliability of the scale. The study group of the research consisted of 205 parents who had preschool children and who participated in the study voluntarily. The original “Early Math Questionnaire” consists of two sections: Math Activities and Math Beliefs. As a result of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), it was found that the Math Activities Section consisted of four sub-dimensions and 36 items. The general Cronbach Alpha (α) and McDonald Omega (ω) reliability coefficients of the Math Activities Section of the scale were found as .966 and .988, respectively. It was found that the Math Beliefs Section consisted of two sub-dimensions and eight items. The general Cronbach Alpha (α) and McDonald Omega (ω) reliability coefficients of the Math Beliefs Section of the scale were found as .842 and .883, respectively. These results show that the Turkish form of the Early Math Questionnaire is a valid and reliable measurement tool.


Kocaeli Universitesi Egitim Dergisi


General Medicine

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