Probabilistic Assessment of Reliability and Risk Values by Certification Results


Lapin Vladimir A.1,Aldakhov Erken S.1,Aldakhov S. D.1,Ali A. B.1




For the first time in Almaty full passport of apartment stock of multiapartment building was carried out. The structure of the housing stock was revealed with the allocation of groups of buildings according to structural solutions and assessment of their seismic resistance. Based on the results of certification, quantitative estimates of failure probability values for different types of buildings were obtained. Formulas for estimation of quantitative value of seismic risk are obtained. The number of deaths in the estimated zem-shakes was estimated. The results of the assessments will be used for practical recommendations to reduce risk and expected losses in possible earthquakes.


Russian Association for Earthquake Engineering and Protection from Natural and Manmade Hazard - RAEE

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