Analysis of seismic resistance of large-panel multi-apartment residential buildings of series typical for the Kamchatka region


Zakharchenko Ivan V.,Smirnova Luybov N.


the analysis of the available information on the design seismic resistance of panel buildings erected in the Kamchatka Territory from 1969 to 1998 is presented. A comparison of seismic loads during the design years of these houses with the current ones was carried out. The data on the detected damages in structures were summarized, the most vulnerable elements of buildings were identified. The seismic risk assessment for buildings of the widespread series 1-464 AC, 138c, 138k, 189 was carried out. The formulated conclusions allow us to statistically assess the need for seismic reinforcement of buildings of these series and determine the direction of further research


Russian Association for Earthquake Engineering and Protection from Natural and Manmade Hazard - RAEE

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