1. Rostov State Medical University
In the diagnosis of diseases of the blood system, an important place is given to the patient's complaints, a carefully collected anamnesis, an objective examination, and, along with the use of special laboratory and instrumental studies, routine blood and urine tests. It is necessary to pay attention to the change in the color of urine, which is observed during hemolysis, cold, marching, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, porphyria and other conditions. Hematuria is characteristic of disorders of coagulation and platelet hemostasis of hereditary and acquired origin, von Willebrand disease of mild and moderate severity, overdose of anticoagulants and inhibitors of platelet hemostasis. Proteinuria is a characteristic syndrome in paraproteinemic hemoblastoses, AL-amyloidosis, Immerslund-Gresbeck disease, etc. Competent interpretation of the urine test in combination with the clinical picture is the key to a successful diagnosis.
Rostov State Medical University
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