1. Kropivnitsky Institute of Private Higher Educational Institution «University of Modern Knowledge»
The aim of this article is the implementation of theoretical and empirical analysis of the essence of emotionality.
Methods of study: analysis, comparison and systematization of the scientific literature concerning the phenomenon of an emotional deprivation, observation, analysis of the documentation, the method of the peer review, a conversation, a testing, a survey for the identification of the consequences of the emotional deprivation.
Results. We figured out that emotional deprivation very closely connected with other kinds of deprivation and is part of the mental deprivation. The semantic content of the notion "emotional deprivation" depends on the conceptual and theoretical approaches of the author, studying of the specific conditions of its origin and also the specific of age group. However most scientists continue determine emotional deprivation as a category of mental state of the personality.
Emotional deprivation is an instrument of change and transformation in the psychics, affects somatic health, causes psychosomatic disorders and mental disorders. It is generalized that emotional deprivation through negative feelings and emotions affects other mental spheres of personality – volitional, intellectual, motivational, value-oriented, changing them, deforming, complicating, ie affects the psyche in general.
Conclu s ion s . Emotional deprivation can't be equated as a mental state, because it is connected indirectly with the mental state of the deprived personality, but it isn't one. To our mind, emotional deprivation is a process of long lasting stay of the personality in conditions of emotionally impoverished environment, conditioned by displeasure of emotional needs, loss, limitation, insufficiency or absence of abilities for installation of close connections, contacts and interaction with a significant person. It causes dysfunction, breaches and disarrays of the mental sphere of a personality.
V О Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University
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