Methodical recommendations on the professional training of border guard inspectors for the identification of persons and vehicles in the conditions of European integration


Tkachuk Dmitriy1


1. Khmelnytskyi National University


The article describes the guidelines for the professional training of border guard inspectors to identify individuals and vehicles in the context of European integration. It is about the need to use information and communication technologies for the educational process and the study of a specific identification problem which requires a visual and multimedia presentation. Methodological recommendations also include great opportunities for studying the problems of identification by the computer training program «Wiek» for defining age-related changes by the appearance, the computer program «Trainer» for the identification of persons by the appearance; the use of training methods for the development of personal qualities necessary for identification realization; organization of trainings on additional special training for border guard personnel; training for professional communication with persons during the procedure of passport control of the first and second lines at checkpoints; game simulation educational, professional and life situations for identifying documents and conducting interviews of business games, etc. Axiological, operational, systemic and learner-centered approaches defined by the author as the most important ones for the formation of professional training of border guard inspectors. Qualitative training of border guard inspectors for the identification of persons and vehicles is possible subject to the principles of scientific accuracy, visual aspects, simplicity if training, as well as to the principles of an individual approach, dialogics and presence of problems.


V О Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University

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