The problem of staff assistance at the medical schools in the USA


Horpinich Tetiana1


1. I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University


The article outlines the differences between academic positions in American medical schools. It has been proved that there are many differences in the hierarchical and functional system of academic positions in Ukraine and the United States. It has been established that career success is ensured by a large number of scientific publicatons, experience in pedagogical practice and performance of administrative duties. It has been found out that the academic hierarchy of USA medical schools is characterized by variability of diversified in different universities, but rigid within a single educational system, requirements for a higher position, focusing on research. The basic principle of the American educational system is academic freedom, which is also reflected in the hierarchy of academic positions within USA medical schools – the idea of career growth, besides other advantages, involves academic freedom, which is expressed in scientific research, the choice of teaching methods, etc. An important feature of the American educational system is the academic tenure», a permanent position or an contract for an indefinite period, which is concluded between the university and the teacher, usually after passing the probationary period. The system of attestation of academic personnel in the USA proves different approaches in assessing scientific qualifications, but it is obvious that in comparison with the Ukrainian system it is more democratic and short-term, does not require emotional, psychological and physical stress. It has been established that the system of employment in medical schools in the USA is characterized by complete transparency of the requirements and the selection procedure itself, emphasis on the professionalism in scientific research, attention to the candidate’s previous social experience, high level of communicative skills.


V О Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University

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