Arrosyid M Ibnu Arif,Roesdiyanto Roesdiyanto,Rahayuni Kurniati,Hariadi Imam
Abstract: Football is one of the big ball sports that is played by 11 people on a team. One of the basic techniques in the game of football is the passing technique, in the passing technique there are 2 types, namely the short passing technique (close range) and the long passing technique (long distance). Therefore, to train the basic techniques of passing in soccer, a variety of passing exercises is needed. This exercise is very suitable for players at an early age between 10-12 years. This development research was conducted to develop a variety of short passing technique exercises for soccer players aged 10-12 years at SSB Babat United. In this development research using the Research and Development method with the ADDIE model modified into ADD in which there are 3 steps, namely: (1) Needs analysis (2) Product design (3) Expert test of 2 examiners, namely the coaching test and football expert test. Analysis of the research needs of 15 players found that 90 percent of the players really needed to develop a more varied variety of short passing exercises so they would not get bored and excited during practice. Based on the recapitulation results with the total percentage of the overall research through assessment in aspects of (1) attractiveness (2) convenience (3) suitability (4) effectiveness, it was found 92.12 percent. The results of this expert validation test stated that the product of developing variations of short passing exercises for soccer players aged 10-12 years at SSB Babat United was very valid and feasible to use.
Abstrak: Sepak bola yaitu salah satu olahraga bola besar yang di mainkan oleh 11 orang satu tim. Salah satu teknik dasar dalam permainan sepakbola adalah teknik passing, dalam teknik passing ada 2 macam yaitu teknik passing pendek (jarak dekat) dan teknik passing panjang (jarak jauh). Oleh sebab itu, untuk melatih teknik dasar passing dalam sepak bola diperlukan variasi latihan passing. latihan ini sangatlah cocok untuk pemain di usia dini antara 10-12 tahun. Adapun penelitian pengembangan ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan variasi latihan teknik passing pendek pada pemain sepakbola usia 10-12 tahun di SSB Babat United. Dalam penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan metode Research and Development dengan model ADDIE yang di modifikasi menjadi ADD yang didalamnya terdapat 3 langkah yaitu: (1) Analisis kebutuhan (2) Desain produk (3) Uji ahli sebanyak 2 penguji yaitu uji kepelatihan dan uji ahli sepakbola. Analisis kebutuhan penelitian dari 15 pemain ditemukan 90 persen pemain sangat membutuhkan pengembangan variasi latihan passing pendek yang lebih bervariatif supaya tidak bosan dan bersemangat pada saat latihan. Berdasarkan hasil rekapitulasi dengan jumlah presentase peneltian keseluruhan melalui penilaian dalam aspek (1) kemenarikan (2) kemudahan (3) kesesuain (4) keefektifan, ditemukan 92,12 persen. Hasil uji validasi ahli ini menyatakan bahwasa produk pengembangan variasi latihan passing pendek pada pemain sepak bola usia 10-12 tahun di SSB Babat United ini sangat valid dan layak untuk digunakan.
State University of Malang (UM)
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