Comparative results of computational and theoretical study of the annular nozzle with a flat central body


Kirshina A. A.ORCID,Levikhin A. A.ORCID,Kirshin A. Yu.ORCID


One of the ways to improve specific characteristics of the power plant of a launch vehicle for ladeploying payload to the near-Earth space is to provide the possibility of operation of a fixed nozzle in the design mode over the whole active leg of the flight trajectory. The nozzle should be compact, lightweight, well-cooled. For detailed testing of the possibility of introducing a nozzle into the rocket engine chamber it is necessary to be able to quickly assess the true value of the thrust and the specific impulse the chamber with such a nozzle can achieve. This article presents the results of comparison of the thrust and specific impulse, obtained during calculations using engineering methods, numerical modeling for the atmospheric section and high-altitude sections of the trajectory. The results of the calculation are compared with the experimental values of the specific impulse obtained on the rocket engine test-bed under atmospheric operating conditions. These results can be effectively applied both to evaluate new and to improve existing nozzle designs of wide-range rocket engines.


Samara National Research University

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