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2. Golovina L.I. Linear algebra and some its applications. Moscow: Nauka, 1975, 408 p. Available at: https://studizba.com/files/show/djvu/2439-1-l-i-golovina–lineynaya-algebra-i.html. (In Russ.)
3. Voskresenskaya G.V. Group recognition by conditions on classes of conjugate elements. In: Eighth school-conference "Lie algebras, algebraic groups and the theory of invariants". Abstracts. Мoscow: MTsNMO, 2020, p. 19. (In Russ.)
4. Recognizability of Symmetric Groups by Spectrum
5. Finite Almost Simple Groups Whose Gruenberg–Kegel Graphs Coincide with Gruenberg–Kegel Graphs of Solvable Groups