But V. S.,Kobelev A. A.,Karpeev S. V.
Microcells were designed for subsequent modeling of piezoelectric and optical elements on their basis. The development of piezoelectric and optical elements from microcells was carried out and models were prepared for 3D printing. These designs can be used in practice as piezoacoustic or piezoelectric sensors if piezoelectric powder is added to their composition, for example, in ultrasonic flow meters, or used to create optical structures, for example, diffractive optical elements. The key characteristics and coefficients of piezoelectric structures, such as dielectric constant, conversion coefficient, dielectric loss coefficient, mechanical Q-factor, frequency constant, electromechanical coupling coefficient, piezoelectric charge coefficient, piezoelectric stress coefficient, elastic compliance coefficient, degradation rate, Curie point are analyzed. Elements produced by 3D printing will have properties different from those of elements produced by standard methods. These structures open up new opportunities for the development of ultrasonic research, mechanical engineering and instrument making.
Samara National Research University