Kinetic model and kerosene surrogate for calculating gas turbine engine emission of carcinogenic hydrocarbons


Semenikhin A. S.ORCID,Idrisov D. V.,Chechet I. V.ORCID,Matveev S. G.ORCID,Lukachev S. V.


To calculate the emission of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by the combustion chambers of aircraft gas turbine engines, the A17 kinetic model has been developed, characterized by new blocks of elementary chemical reactions of hydrocarbon compounds oxidation and synthesis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The results of model validation showed satisfactory agreement with the experimental data and the possibility of applying the model to describe combustion processes in gas turbine engine combustion chambers. A review and numerical study was carried out for 14 surrogates (model fuels) of aviation kerosene, the combustion of which can be described using the A17 model. Simulation of stabilized flame of a previously prepared mixture showed the effectiveness of Drexel, Liu, su4, UM1 surrogates, the predictions for which agree satisfactorily with the experimental data and provide the expected levels of concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The calculations show the dependence of the concentration of the most carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon benzo(a)pyrene, and the ratio of the main combustion products CO2/H2O on the molar mass of the fuel. For the experimentally determined value of the molar mass of kerosene TS-1, the smallest deviation (up to 0.25%) is demonstrated by the su4 and UM1 surrogates. Due to the best predictive capability for the ignition delay time, normal flame propagation speed, pyrolysis and combustion products, the su4 and UM1 surrogates can be chosen to calculate the emission of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from aircraft gas turbine engine combustion chambers.


Samara National Research University


Ocean Engineering

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