1. Murray J.D. Mathematical Biology (3rd Ed). New York, 2003, Vol. I (An Introduction). Available at: https://booksee.org/book/1008392.
2. Murray J.D. Mathematical Biology (3rd Ed). New York, 2003, Vol. II (Spatial Models and Biomedical Applications). Available at: http://pcleon.if.ufrgs.br/pub/listas-sistdin/MurrayII.pdf.
3. Volpert A.I., Volpert Vitaly A., Volpert Vladimir A. Traveling Wave Solutions of Parabolic Systems. Providence: AMS, 1994. Available at: https://box.cs.istu.ru/public/docs/other/_Unsorted/new/books.pdox.net/Math/Traveling%20Wave%20Solutions%20of%20Parabolic%20Systems.pdf.
4. Shock Waves and Reaction—Diffusion Equations
5. Integral manifolds and decomposition of singularly perturbed systems