Logical ontological modeling of cargo port risk management


Bondareva Irina O.


Enterprises in any field, including those in the transport and logistics sector, are faced with the need to gain a competitive advantage through the use of innovative management methods. These include the integrated use of methods for managing organizational systems along with the use of advanced tools and technologies. Particular attention is paid to risk management in order to prevent undesirable situations. This paper is the first to present a description of a logical ontological model for the integrated application of multi-level goal setting based on a balanced scorecard (BSC) and logical probabilistic (LP) modeling to support decision-making on cargo port risk management. Situations of failure to achieve the goals of the cargo port, including failure to achieve standard values of indicators, are considered as risks. The integrated use of BSC and LP modeling technologies made it possible to build a general concept of multi-level goal setting. Its main advantage lies in the detailed elaboration of the company’s goals, which are subordinated to the main strategic goal. This makes it possible to influence operational events and obtain positive results in tactical and strategic plans. The ontological model contains all the information about the components interaction that influence the risk events and makes it possible to select options for exiting a risk situation in accordance with specified conditions. The results of queries to a risk-oriented ontological model are options for management decisions aimed at reducing risks in the operation of a cargo port.


Samara National Research University

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