The role of social activity in the urban space management


Bernyukevich Tatyana V.ORCID


Introduction. The study relevance is concerned with the complexity of urban space management issues, including a number of aspects: social, economic, urban planning proper, etc. The subject of analysis in this article is the role of social activity in managing the urban space. The purpose of the study is to identify the place and functions of the social activity within the framework of the efficient management of urban processes. The objectives of the study include: determining the parameters of the urban spatial characteristics, in terms of subject differences of various disciplines; analyzing approaches to managing the urban space; clarifying the role of the social activity in this management. Materials and methods. The study is based on an integrated approach that enables to consider the complex phenomenon of the urban space from different perspectives and, in relation to this complexity, determine the social aspects of urban space management. Results. Exploring the urban cultural space often involves interdisciplinarity. Urban space organization records the history of the city, its needs, and strategic development. A unique image of the city, formed by the relation between its streets, squares, embankments, its architecture. A significant contribution to the study of urban space was made by representatives of the urban sociology, within which the issues of urban development were associated with social transformations. The analysis of these transformations has started the urban sociology. Conclusions. Ways of developing urban spaces are set by the production practice and social relations, the complex social system and influence of social groups, the authority and corporate role. Not only establishing the theoretical and methodological basis for developing the urban space is necessary, but also educing their potential to consider the public opinion when determining the urban development and improvement.


Samara National Research University

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