The strategy of mixing methods in the study of identities and practices of the modern youth consolidation


Vandysheva Lyudmila V.ORCID,Vaskina Yuliya V.ORCID,Malakanova Olga A.ORCID,Mitrofanova Svetlana Y.ORCID,Pustarnakova Anna A.ORCID


The relevance of the study of identities and practices of the youth consolidation in the conditions of the Russian society is substantiated. The article defines concepts of the consolidation and identity at the theoretical and empirical levels. It considers the potential of the mix strategy in the study of identities and practices of the modern youth consolidation. The authors indicate factors of popularity of the mix strategy in the modern conditions, and the content of the discussion in the Russian scientific sociological field on the conformity of the translation into Russian of the English-language name Mixed Methods Research. Based on an appeal to the analysis of already implemented practices of applying the strategy of mixing methods, two approaches to its use are outlined. The article considers four key elements of the strategy of mixing methods within the framework of D. Creswell and V. Plano Clark’s approach, and indicates three strategies for combining methods from D.Morgan’s position. The author's position and problematic issues related to the use of the strategy of mixing methods are outlined. It is indicated what opportunities the application of the strategy of mixing methods opens up within the framework of the claimed study. It is concluded that the combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches in one research cycle complicates the task of understanding the identities and practices of the modern young consolidation, and at the same time allows you to look more deeply at the subject of research.


Samara National Research University







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