Underground Tunnel and Cave Operations and Management in Internal Security


AK Tarık1




Underground, tunnels and caves are places that are frequently used by terrorists, organized crime organizations and smugglers in cities, rural areas and borders of countries. Especially in recent years, law enforcement's use of reconnaissance and surveillance technologies such as unmanned aerial and land vehicles has increased the desire of organizations to use underground, tunnels and cave environments as an asymmetric advantage. Underground, tunnels and caves are cavities that are either spontaneously formed in nature or built with human resources, which are used for the purpose of maintaining security or life. The homogeneity of the physical environments of these places makes it meaningful to mention underground, tunnels and caves together. Securitization of these environments in order to prevent crime and terrorist activities has become a priority internal security approach for law enforcement. Within the scope of the study, firstly, the importance of underground, tunnels and caves in terms of internal security was investigated. Subsequently, the conditions affecting the underground, tunnel and cave operations were determined. Finally, answers were sought to the questions of how underground, tunnel and cave operations were carried out and managed. The purpose of this study is to define the management method in underground, tunnel and cave operations in terms of internal security in Turkey today. The study was carried out on a theoretical basis by making a literature review. As a result of the study, it was emphasized that a separate technology should be used for each of the exploration and surveillance, cover and protection, firepower and communication needs in underground, tunnel and cave operations. Subsequently, it has been decided that the operation units should manage their operations in accordance with the planning, preparation, execution and evaluation phases.


Turkish National Defense University

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