Effect of the clenching of teeth on the posture: differences between bruxer′s and unbruxer′s population


Siffre M.1,Bertucci W.2,Soudain-Pineau M.2


1. Ecole Supérieure d′Osteopathie

2. Université de Reims Champagne-Ardennes, UFR Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives


Objectives. Relying on the Thegosis theory, the purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of the clenching of teeth on the posture with a stabilometric platform.Method. Thirty-two subjects divided into two groups, Bruxism and Control using criteria from O. F. Molina and al., have passed two series of three stabilometric measures: unclenched teeth then clenched teeth. Posturological parameters analyzed in this study are: X-moyen, Y-moyen, Surface, LFS, VFY.Results. Statistical analysis of the data reveals significant differences for the X-moyen, the Surface and the VFY. Conclusion. This study shows that if unclenched teeth, bruxer subjects have a similar posture to the control subjects, clenched teeth have different postures and clenching of teeth tends to stabilize the bruxers and destabilize the control subjects.


The Institute of the Osteopathy and Holistic Medicine


Complementary and Manual Therapy,Complementary and alternative medicine,Medicine (miscellaneous)

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