The frequency of degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the joints of the spine in young and middle-aged patients with dorsopathy


Orel A. M.1,Semenova O. K.1


1. Moscow Scientifi c and Practical Center for Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine


Introduction. Degenerative-dystrophic lesion of the spinal joints or spondylarthrosis is one of the most common diseases of the spine. The signs of non-infl ammatory changes in the joints can be detected even in children. The reason for this is the repetitive biomechanical microtrauma. The goal of research — to study the frequency of degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the spinal joints at all the levels in young and middle-aged patients suffering from dorsopathy.Materials and methods. Radiography of all the regions of the spine was performed with the description of system models of 507 patients: 211 men and 296 women, suffering from dorsopathy. The method of integral study of the spine roentgenograms was used. Systemic models of patients with determined diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev disease) were excluded from the general population. The reason for this was a signifi cant morphological change in the joints and in the spinal column as a whole, due to chronic infl ammation, which is the main manifestation of this disease. Statistical processing was carried out using Microsoft Offi ce Excel 2007.Results. It was established that with age the frequency of appearance of radiological signs of spondylarthrosis increases. Signs of arthrosis of the zygapophyseal joints appear in the fi rst turn and are the most frequent ones. Arthrosis of the zygapophyseal joints is diagnosed in 70–90 % of patients. Spondylarthrosis of the semilunar joints is diagnosed in almost 80 % of patients. Most often arthrosis of the semilunar joints was observed in the vertebrae CV and CVI. Athrosis of costovertebral joints was registered in 32,7 % of patients. In most cases the joints TVII–TX were affected by this disease. Arthrosis of the sacroiliac joints was diagnosed in an average of 63,8 % of patients, equally often on the left and on the right sides. The interspinal neoarthrosis (Baastrup symptom) was diagnosed at the level of LIII–LV(VI) in 22,6 % of patients and at the level of CI–CII in 2 % of patients.Conclusion. Radiological manifestations of spondylarthrosis are markers of static and dynamic biomechanical overload of the spinal joints.


The Institute of the Osteopathy and Holistic Medicine

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