The role of elastic bands (kinesiotapes) in complex therapy of patients with temporomandibular joint osteoarthrosis


Bulycheva E. A.1ORCID,Postnikov M. A.2ORCID,Bulycheva D. S.3ORCID


1. Pavlov First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University; Beauty Institute «Galaxy»

2. Samara State Medical University

3. Beauty Institute «Galaxy»; Samara State Medical University


Introduction. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthrosis is a chronic disease, characterized by dystrophic and degenerative changes in TMJ with aseptic inflammatory process. The prevelence of TMJ arthrosis in patients with a history of other TMJ disorders varies between 32-39 % of cases. Complex treatment of TMJ arthrosis includes pharmacotherapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy for TMJ and massage of the masticatory muscles, manual therapy, prosthodontics, but these treatment methods are not always lead to a desired result.The aim of the study is to improve the traditional treament method of patients suffering from TMJ arthrosis by using elastic tapes (kinesiotapes).Materials and methods. 68 patients were examined at the «Galaxy» Beauty Institute Clinic (St. Petersburg) and FSBEI HE SamSMU MOH Russia (Samara). Comparison group of patients was prescribed pharmacotherapy, exercise therapy for TMJ and massage of masticatory muscles, while for the main group of patients the same therapy was enhanced by elastic bands. The effectiveness of therapy was evaluated using a visual-analog pain scale (VAS), mouth opening width and electromyography of the masticatory muscles.Results. Noticeable positive effect in the main group of patients was observed on the 21th day of treatment. By this time patients noticed significant decrease in pain intensity from 8,77±0,8 to 5,19±0,5 (Z1-4=-5,88; p1-4=0,0015) points as well as increase in mouth opening width from 21-23 to 33-35 mm. Similar changes in the comparison group of patients were achieved only by the beginning of fifth week of treatment (Z1-6=-5,58; p1-6=0,0015). The range of mouth opening width increased from 21-23 to 27-29 mm. Amplitude of masticatory muscles biopotentials in maximum intercuspation in patients of the main group almost approached to the normal results by the beginning of the fourth week. In patients of the comparison group the amplitude of masticatory muscles biopotentials remained reduced even by the end of observations (42 day of the study).Conclusion. Thus, the combination of elastic bands applications with conventional treatment methods of TMJ arthrosis greatly increases the effectiveness of therapy and allows to relief pain and normalize bioelectric activity of masticatory muscles in a relatively short time. Due to the simplicity of elastic bands application it is possible to teach patients the technique of self-applying bands and recommend to use them as a prevention of relapse of TMJ arthrosis.


The Institute of the Osteopathy and Holistic Medicine







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