1. Pavlov First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University; N. N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology; City Multidisciplinary Hospital № 2
2. Pavlov First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University
Introduction. Somatic dysfunctions of the pelvic and sacral bones are one of the most common causes of lumbosacral pain with impaired spine statics, functional disorders of internal organs and other manifestations. Remote symptoms include torsional dural dysfunctions. Distortion of proprioceptive somatosensory afferentation blocks postural tonic reflexes of the axial skeleton and extremities, disrupts the sequence of activation of motor units of the locomotion system, changes the mechanisms for providing support and walking. Osteopathic correction of somatic dysfunctions in the region improves the condition of patients, however, in some cases, it is not possible to achieve complete regression of the identified syndromes. One of the effective corrective methods are computer technologies with the registration of the parameters of the static-dynamic function of support and maintaining balance. The possibilities of restoring reflex mechanisms can be obtained using computer stabilometry with a biofeedback program (BFB). Testing was carried out at the stage of diagnosis and follow-up: at the stage of screening, immediately after the treatment session, and 14 days after the moment of treatment. The clinical effect was compared with the results of stabilometric testing. The training sessions were carried out after registering the statokinesiogram.The aim of the research was to study the possibilities of using a stabiloplatform with BFB in in the mode of diagnosis of coordination and static-dynamic disorders of the axial skeleton in patients with various types of somatic dysfunctions of the pelvic bones and in the training mode together with the osteopathic correction of the somatic dysfunctions identified in patients.Materials and methods. In a prospective controlled study, the results of examination and treatment of 66 patients aged 23–56 years (median — 33) were analyzed, including 36 women and 39 men with somatic dysfunctions of the pelvic bones. In the main group, clinical and osteopathic signs of somatic dysfunctions of the pubic bone and ilium were revealed. The observation was carried out for 14 days. Osteopathic treatment of the corresponding type of dysfunction and stabilometric examination (3 control points) and training (3 sessions) were performed. Among the analyzed clinical manifestations, the intensity of pain syndrome and muscle-tonic reactions was taken into account. According to the results of the stabilometry, stability (RC) was assessed in the «eyes open» and «eyes closed» modes. The primary checkpoint is the start of observation and the correction procedure. Stage control after 7 days and the final observation point — 14 days. In total, 3–4 osteopathic sessions were carried out, stabilometric control was the screening stage, before and after the session, observation after 14 days from the last session.Results. There was detected decrease in pain intensity, normalization of axial balance and coordination of movements. The most significant was the decrease in the Romberg coefficient in patients with dysfunction of the iliac bones in the anterior rotation, regardless of the side: dynamics on the right: decrease from 570±12 to 295±23 % and on the left from 550±22 to 260±25 % (p<0,05).Conclusion. The combined use of osteopathic correction and physiotherapy exercises on a stabiloplatform in a training mode with BFB promotes regression of neurological and clinical symptoms, which is confirmed by all diagnostic methods used in the study — clinical neurological, clinical osteopathic, stabilometric with BFB. The best results were achieved in patients with somatic dysfunction anterior rotation of the ilium. The use of a stabiloplatform with BFB in the diagnostic mode allows obtaining objective data on the nature of the imbalance and balance disorders. The training regime contributes to the achievement of a therapeutic result in a short time (3 sessions) and can be used in inpatient and outpatient conditions of medical institutions.
The Institute of the Osteopathy and Holistic Medicine
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