Clinical and Neurophysiologic Characteristics of Stammering in Children. Treatment Combined with Osteopathic Method


Safiullina G. .1,Shiryaeva E. .2


1. “Kazan State Medical Academy of Health” Ministry of the Russian Federation, The Department of Neurology, Reflexotherapy and Osteopathy

2. Osteopathy Department of of NWSMU n. a. I. I. Mechnikov


During the study the clinical and electroneurophysiological examination of 39 patients aged from5 to 15 years with stammering was conducted. Based on the studies the combined therapy with using mainly osteopathic method was conducted. The therapy was directed on the basic mechanisms of realization of speech disorders, which contributed to the favorable disease outcome and helped to prevent the recurrence.


The Institute of the Osteopathy and Holistic Medicine

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