The Role of the Limbic System in the Genesis of Psychoviscerosomatic Disorders


Potekhina Y. .1,Filatov D. .1


1. Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy


Introduction. The problem of psychosomatic effects is one of the most difficult problems of modern medicine. There are a large number of theories describing the causes and mechanisms of the emergence and development of psychosomatic diseases from the perspective of various scientific schools. In particular, the neurophysiological branch explains the emergence of psychosomatic disorders by the alteration of cortico-visceral relationship.Objective. To study the role of the limbic system in the genesis of psychoviscerosomatic disorders.Methods. Analysis and synthesis of the literature data.Conclusion. In the lignt of knowledge about the structure and functioning of the limbic system, it can be assumed that the cause of many psychosviscerosomatic disorders is the containment of one's wishes and emotions, which find their way out in the form of disturbances in the work of an organ or a system. The development of psychosomatic diseases occurs when there is a predisposition to certain reactions.


The Institute of the Osteopathy and Holistic Medicine

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