Influence of osteopatic correction on the quality of life of patients with removable dental prosthesis


Yushmanov I. G.1,Kalimullin M. N.2,Zaripov I. T.3,Zlatkovskaya M. V.4


1. I. I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University

2. AM MEDICA Clinic

3. Clinic «Favorite dentist» (LLC «VITA»)

4. Center of Restorative Medicine «Vozvraschaem Dvizheniye» («Returning movement»)


Introduction. The use of removable dental prosthesis often leads to the alteration of the function of the temporomandibular joint, which signifi cantly reduces patients' quality of life. Osteopathic correction can be considered as a method aimed to improve patients' quality of life after prosthetics.Goal of research - to study the effect of osteopathic correction on the quality of life of patients with removable prosthesis.Materials and methods. Two groups of patients took part in the study: The fi rst group consisted of 15 patients who underwent both orthopedic and osteopathic treatment. The second group (control group) received only removable dental prosthetics. Evaluation of the patients' quality of life was performed before the beginning of orthopedic treatment and after 3 months. Special quality of life questionnaire «Oral Health Impacts Profi le» (OHIP-14) was used.Results. As a result of combined osteopathic and dental treatment, the number and the severity of regional dysfunctions reduced, whereas the quality of life of patients signifi cantly improved.Conclusion. Osteopathic correction can be recommended as a method improving the quality of life of patients with removable dental prosthesis.


The Institute of the Osteopathy and Holistic Medicine

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