1. Laboratory of Genetics Wageningen University & Research P.O. Box 16 Wageningen 6700 AA Gelderland The Netherlands
2. Food Microbiology Wageningen University & Research P.O. Box 17 Wageningen 6700 AA Gelderland The Netherlands
3. Food Quality & Design Wageningen University & Research P.O. Box 17 Wageningen 6700 AA Gelderland The Netherlands
4. HarvestPlus – Zimbabwe C/O International Food policy Research Institute (IFPRI) P.O. Box MP 228, Mt Pleasant Harare Zimbabwe
5. Department of Food Science and Nutrition University of Zambia PO Box 50516 Lusaka Zambia
6. Department of Food Science and Technology Chinhoyi University of Technology Private Bag 7724 Chinhoyi Zimbabwe