1. ACORN , 2003 . Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now./Living Wage Resource Center. http://www.livingwagecampaign.org/shortwins.php; http://www.livingwageresearch.org/factsheets/college.asp
2. Scott Adams, and David Neumark . 2003 . "Living Wage Effects: New and Improved Evidence." Working Paper No. 9702 (May). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
3. AFL-CIO , 2000 .Living Wage Laws: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
4. Susan, Lisel Alunan, Brian Blash, Michael Murphy, Roff Hadley, and Odilla Sidime-Brazier . 1999 . "The Living Wage in San Francisco; Analysis of Economic Impact, Administrative and Policy Issues."Unpublished paper, San Francisco Urban Institute.
5. American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations . 2003 . http://www.aflcio.org/aboutaflcio/ecouncil/ec08062003f.cfm