1. Aspliden, C. I. , G. A. Dean & H. Landers , 1965. Satellite study, tropical North Atlantic, 1963. Part I. Surface wind analyses, July 26-August 31. Final Rept. to Meteor. Satellite Lab., U.S. Weather Bureau. Dept. Meteor., Florida State Univ., 18.
2. Aspliden, C. I. , G. A. Dean & H. Landers , 1966. Satellite study, tropical North Atlantic, 1963. Part I. Surface wind analyses, September 1-September 30. Final Rept. to Meteor. Satellite Lab., U.S. Weather Bureau. Dept. Meteor., Florida State Univ., 13.
3. Budyko, M. I. , 1956. The heat balance of the earth's surface. Leningrad, Gidrometeorologicheskoe izdatel'stvo, 255. (Translated by Nina A. Stephanova, translation distributed by U.S. Weather Bureau, 1958.).
4. Wind profiles over the sea and the drag at the sea surface;Deacon;Austral. J. Phys.,1956