1. 41. Parkinson Pipeline Project, available at (last visited April 16, 2013)
2. 79. Some states allow physicians to dispense drugs. The income that dispensing physicians earn is a function of the difference between their reimbursement and the cost of purchasing the drug, as well as administration of their dispensary. Like pharmaceutical firms, dispensing physicians have an incentive to prescribe off-label when it is profitable. We should therefore also end dispensing physicians' economic incentive to prescribe off-label. Similar rules should regulate drug-dispensing institutions, which are closely affiliated with physicians (such as freestanding pharmacies in which physicians invest), so that physicians do not have an incentive to prescribe medications off-label.
3. 54. The other violations included: Overcharging government health programs, monopoly/ antitrust, the Medicare and Medicaid Anti-Kickback act, concealing stud findings, poor manufacturing practices, financial violations, illegal distribution, and environmental violations.
4. Off-label prescribing in oncology
5. 58. Id. The $2.75 billion Pfizer has paid in off-label penalties from 2004 to 20010 is slightly more than 1 percent of its revenue of $245 billion from 2004 to 2008.