The High Price of “Free” Trade: U.S. Trade Agreements and Access to Medicines


Lopert Ruth,Gleeson Deborah


The United States’ pursuit of increasingly TRIPS-Plus levels of intellectual property protection for medicines in bilateral and regional trade agreements is well recognized. Less so, however, are U.S. efforts through these agreements, to directly influence and constrain the pharmaceutical coverage programs of its trading partners. The pursuit of increasing levels of intellectual property (IP) protection in successive bilateral and regional trade agreements has been driven, at least in part, by a U.S. desire to achieve standards of protection it anticipated from the TRIPS Agreement, but failed to secure. Despite the conclusion of a global agreement on IP standards that would establish significant protections in countries that had hitherto declined them, the U.S. pharmaceutical industry viewed TRIPS as falling well short of its objectives — particularly in light of the delayed introduction of patent protection in countries that are key suppliers of generic medicines, such as India.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Health Policy,General Medicine,Issues, ethics and legal aspects

Reference159 articles.

1. 119. UNAIDS, “Vietnam Overview Country Situation Analysis,” available at (last visited February 20, 2013).

2. 107. Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009, Sec. 7002, Approval Pathway for Biosimilar Biological Products, available at (last visited February 19, 2013).

3. 129. Office of the US Trade Representative, Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Goals to Enhance Access to Medicines, September 12, 2011, available at (last visited February 20, 2013).

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