1. Bainton, N. 2006a. Virtuous Sociality and Other Fantasies: Pursuing Mining, Capital and Cultural Continuity in Lihir, Papua New Guinea. PhD Thesis, The University of Melbourne.
2. Bainton, N. 2006b. Are You Viable? Personal avarice, collective antagonism, and grassroots development in Papua New Guinea. SAGES Working Papers in Development, No. 5, University of Melbourne. URL http://www.sages.unimelb.edu.au/research/workingpapers/wp2006.html.
3. Bainton, N. N.d. a. Imagining a ‘viable’ post mine future: historical continuities and neoliberal influences in Lihir, Papua New Guinea. Forthcoming in D.Jorgensen and G.Banks (eds) After Mining: Anticipations and Expectations for Post-Mining Life in Melanesia.